Foldable St. Andrews Cross


Product # FSAX 2

Many people don’t have crosses in their play spaces unless they are dedicated solely to play.  It’s tough to explain away a 7 foot tall cross in a space that must be utilized for multiple (read vanilla) purposes.  Besides explaining crosses away they are also extremely tough to hide.  Back in the real world, the Kinky Elf was an engineer that built many things including houses and bridges and railroad stations.  Putting that engineering expertise to use, the Elf has come up with a cross that will disassemble easily and store in a package about the size of a golf bag.  The disassembled pieces are displayed in the last gallery pic.

Shipping cost will be determined after payment based on any modifications and where it will be shipped/delivered. For an estimate before payment please use the “Contact The Kinky Elf” link in the far right of the menu bar. Thank you for looking!

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